Tunjukkan catatan dari Jun, 2020
Hit rock bottom
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1. The reach the lowest or worst point of a decline. 2. If something hits rock bottom or reaches rock bottom , it reaches an extremely low level where it cannot go any lower. 3. If someone hits rock bottom or reaches rock bottom , they reach the point where they are so unhappy and without hope that they could not feel worse.
Amount to
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1. To become (successful). Almost always used in the phrases "amount to anything" or "amount to something," which both mean the same thing. He got arrested so much as a teenager that I never thought he would amount to anything, but look at him now—he's an accomplished musician! When will this play amount to something? It has yet to get one positive review! 2. To be equated with or judged the same as something else. Copying another person's words like this amounts to plagiarism, Susie, and I have to report it to the dean. 3. To be a certain total. My tips this week only amount to $40. 4. To become a particular amount
hold out/offer an olive branch
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1. To do or say something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement with someone. 2. To extend an offer or gesture of peace, reconciliation, truce, etc. (to someone), so as to end a disagreement or dispute. (Can also be formulated as "offer someone the olive branch.") -The conservatives in Congress seem to be offering the olive branch to Democrats on the issue of raising the debt ceiling. -If you find yourself in a spat with a friend, try to be the bigger person and be the one to offer the olive branch. -I was still hurt by the way my parents had lied to me, but I decided to offer them the olive branch at Christmas.
Carry someone through something
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1. to help someone in a difficult situation : - We only have little money to help us through the next three months. 2. to give support to someone (something) so they can achieve a desired result. - I need some temporary employees to help carry me through the extra work at tax time. - Listening to calming music helped carry me through studying for my final exams. - My girlfriends really helped carry me through my divorce . - I need some coffee too help carry me through this afternoon's meeting . - My wife just mailed a huge care package of snacks to help carry our son through final exams .
Stand in someone's or something's way
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1. To obstruct or act as an impasse to someone or something. I'm dying to get up close to the band, but this crowd of people is standing in my way. They built massive banks to stand in the river's way should it ever flood like that again. 2. To hamper, impede, or prevent someone's or something's action or progress. Several senators are standing in the bill's way, ensuring that it will not pass. The only thing standing in your way is your own attitude. You could accomplish so much if you had a more positive mindset! 3. prevent (something) from being achieved. The two fall in love and resolve to let nothing stand in the way of their happiness. 4. prevent (someone) from achieving something. H e never let anything stand in his way. 5. To stop someone from doing something.
Fall through the cracks
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1. to not be noticed or dealt with 2. To go unnoticed or undealt with; to be unintentionally neglected or ignored, especially in a corporate, political, or social system. Because so many other social issues take priority for the government, such as drug addiction and unemployment, the welfare of children in the foster system very often ends up falling through the cracks. We were all so busy drawing up the contracts for this new deal that the thank-you dinner we'd promised to our interns simply fell through the cracks.
Put together
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1. to make something by joining all its parts Will you help me put this desk together 2. than someone/something put together used for saying that someone or something is better or bigger than the whole of a group of other people or things He knows more about computers than the rest of them put together
can't cut it
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PHRASE If you say that someone can't cut it , you mean that they do not have the qualities needed to do a task or cope with a situation . And this was a typical example of how to use this particular phrase “doesn’t cut it.” It simply means, it’s not enough. Whatever you were mentioning previously in your conversation is not going to be enough to achieve the desired results . And to put it simpler, it just won’t cut it. That won't cut it' means something is not good enough. When talking about the amount of work someone is putting into an effort you might say 'Bob started studying for the test yesterday. That just won't cut it'.
In bad/good taste
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If you say that something that is said or done is in bad taste or in poor taste , you mean that it is offensive , often because it concerns death or sex and is inappropriate for the situation . If you say that something is in good taste , you mean that it is not offensive and that it is appropriate for the situation.