
Tunjukkan catatan dari Ogos, 2020

Skin and bones

1. You can  sa y someone is just  skin and  bone s when  you do not  approve  of the  fact  that they are very thin. 2. Use term skin and bones when you say someone is very thin. 3. Extremely thin.

Cool it

to  make  someone  feel   extremely   tired  by  forcing  them to do a  lot  of  work .

Run someone ragged

to  make  someone  feel   extremel y tired by  forcing  them to do a  lot  of  work .

Stand in someone's way/path

1. To try to stop someone from doing something 2. To prevent (something) from being achieved.

Throw caution to the wind/winds

to do something without  worrying  about the  risk  or  negative   results .

Get/let someone off the hook

to  allow  someone to  escape  from a  difficult   situation  or to  avoid  doing something that they do not  want  to do.

To be on the hook

to be caught in a bad situation or to owe money. 

Control over (smth and someone)

In haste

too  quickl y, without  careful   planning  or  thought

Burn the candle at both ends

You  try  to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to  stay  up very  late  at  night  and  get  up very early in the  morning  to get them done.

Be in awe of/stand in awe of

If you  are in  awe  of  someone or if you  stand in awe of  them, you have a  lot  of respect for them and are  slightly   afraid  of them.


What a nuisance!

Lower your eyes/head

Keep your head down

1. remain inconspicuous in difficult or dangerous times. 2. try to avoid being noticed or getting involved in something.

Once in a blue moon

1. not very often 2. rarely

Get smh off the chest

1. To  tell  someone about something that has been  worrying  you or making you  feel   guilty  for a  long   time . 2. To talk to someone about something that has been worrying you, so that you feel better about it. He came to see me because he wanted to get something off his chest

Fight tooth and nail

fight very fiercely

Out of order

Swoop down

1. To rush quickly downward in an abrupt sweeping motion. 2. To make a rush or an attack or as if with a sudden sweeping movement. Eg: The bird swoops down to catch the fish.

Make contact (with smh)

Seek one's fortune

Set in stone

1. Permanent 2. If an agreement, policy, or rule is  set in stone , it is completely decided and cannot be changed.  The exact terms of the scheme have yet to be set in stone.   These are just preliminary ideas and nothing is set in stone.  

Crack down

Act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain.

Veer off

to change direction or turn about or aside; shift, turn, or change from one course, position, inclination, etc., to another: The speaker kept veering from his main topic. 

Escape route

To have the upper hand

have the advantage over someone or something. "he usually has the upper hand because he's older"

Creep into smh

To gradually start to be noticeable.

On cruise control

1. used to refer to a  situation  in which someone is  able  to  continue   easily  without making much  effort  or  thinking  very hard. 2. If you say that someone is  on cruise control  in a contest, you mean that they are winning the contest easily and without needing to make a lot of effort. The champs were  on cruise control  as they eased to victory in this one-sided bore.

Take a turn for the better

Get out of hand

to become difficult to  control.

it is what it is

Get off someone's back



Bed in

Dust sth off

So forth

So on, and other such things; et cetera

Come to the fore

1. To be emphasized or made more noticeable. 2. To become prominent/important. 3. To be emphasized or made more noticeable.

On the horizon

1. Imminent or just becoming apparent. 2. Coming in the near future.

Dust yourself down

to quickly try something again or continue to do what you were doing after a problem or failure, without getting upset.

Rub off on someone

to become part of  someone  because that person has been in a place where it was present: I like to think that our love of reading will  rub off  on our children.

Catch someone off guard

to  surprise  someone,  esp . in a way that makes the  person   feel   confused  or  uncertain

Whisk away

1. To take (a person) on a surprise romantic journey. 2. To brush or sweep something off of the surface of someone or something else. A noun or pronoun can be used between "whisk" and "away. 3. To remove something (from some place) very suddenly or hurriedly. A noun or pronoun can be used between "whisk" and "away." 4. To escort or accompany someone away (from some place) very abruptly or hurriedly. A noun or pronoun can be used between "whisk" and "away. 5. To bring someone on a romantic or exciting journey (to some place) away from home. A noun or pronoun can be used between "whisk" and "away.


weigh down

Single out

Sucking the life out of someone

Raise the alarm

1. to  warn  someone of a  dangerous   situation . 2. to make  people   understand  the  danger  of something.

Go crawl back under your rock

Take (someone/something) into account

On a shoestring

Be at a crossroads

Undergo rehabilitation

Knock at the door

Come into force

Tune out

1. to become unresponsive to  : ignore 2. to dissociate oneself from what is happening or one's surroundings. 3. to  ignore  someone or not give  your   attention  to something or to what is  happening  around you: 5. To stop paying attention to or mentally distance oneself from the environment or surroundings. I already  covered this material in my other class, so I just tune out and doodle in my notebook. I can tell the kids are tuning out when I start talking about verbs and pronouns. 6. To willfully ignore or stop paying attention to someone or something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "tune" and "out. " I have to try to tune out the kid's shouting when I work from home. Stop tuning me out! I'm just trying to tell you why I'm upset.

Tune in



The sticking point

1. an obstacle to progress towards an agreement or goal. 2. A  sticking   point  in a  discussion  is a  point  on which it is not  possible  to  reach  an  agreement 3. A  sticking  point  in a  discussion  or  series  of  negotiations  is a point on which the people involved cannot  agree  and which may  delay  or  stop  the  talks . A  sticking point  is  also  one  aspect  of a problem which you have  trouble   dealing  with.

Put something/someone on hold

1. to pause, postpone, or suspend an activity. 2. to put someone or someone's telephone call on an electronic hold. 3. to stop all activity or communication with someone. 4. to postpone something; to stop the progress of something. 5. temporarily defer taking action on or pursuing something.

Cry foul (at)

1. to say that something that has  happened  is  unfair  or  illegal . 2. to complain that someone has done something that is not fair.

tipping point

Put (something) into perspective

cupboard cut-out (of a)

Call into action

Pave the way