
Tunjukkan catatan dari Disember, 2019

That's how it goes/life goes

That's (just) the way it is



Draw the line

Come/turn full circle

Phase out

Doesn't wash with me

Bitch about (rude slang)

Climb up the ladder

Right off

Gush over

Curtsy to someone


In full force

Tee up


Take the mickey out of smh

Carbon copy

Fizzle out


Have your reservation

The jury is still out

Get you nowhere

Bring into the fold

Work (one's) way through

Get back on track

Get back on your feet

Find one's feet


Patch up


Informal British for presents

The green-eyed monster

Pop up/out

Walk/tread a tightrope

Draw back (v)

Nurse (verb)

Map out

Get the nod

In your hands

Fill a/the void

In the shape/form of somebody/something

Bring sth hom (to sb) idiom


Mulling over

Dole queue

Step in (to help for instance)

Struck off

Look the part

On the receiving end

Come to terms with

Come around to the idea

Start to accept and support something after opposing it.

To be drawn to smh

On the loose

Fat chance

False dawn

It is what it is

The outcomes, circumstances or the situation has already happened so it must be accepted even if it is undesirable.

War chest

1. A fund to conduct a business or campaign.

Bounce along/around (idiom)

Get to the bottom of smth

Lit up the room

Be grounded (down-to-earth)

A wake up call

Do the rounds

Take it upon yourself to do something

Big-headed vs lower-headed

Make way for smh

A wake up call

Open up to someone

Get sth off the chest

Keep your head down


Come down (idiom)

1. To depend on the answer to or outcome of something

Hit on/upon sth

1. To think of an idea when you didn't expect or intend to

Strip down

Resort to

1. To go to + ing 2. To turn to +ing

Part and parcel

1. An integral and essential component

Under someone's nose

1. Directly in front of them 2. Committing action openly and boldly but without someone noticing. 3. In someone's presence

Things don't go the way I wanted them to go (phrase)


Gradually decrease in quality, size

Let's leave it there

End the conversation To not continue the topic anymore

Like (one's) life depends on it

All/everything is not as it seems

Can relate

Something happens to you

Bridge a/the gap

Gate crash

In the clear


Dote on/upon

To this day


Have a chip on your shoulder


Come/enter into force

Take a load off (one's feet)

Cut someone out

Home and Dry

Set off alarm bells

On a knife-edge

Out of hand

Coin it

Head and shoulders above

For yonks

Make up ground