
Tunjukkan catatan dari September, 2019

On thin ice

Hot under the collar

Above all

Grab the bull by its horns


Rightly/rightfully so

To name (but) a few

See off

Home truth

Once and for all

Keep up with the Joneses


Fall victim to something

Cross paths (with someone)

Piss poor


Come to realisation

Come to term with

Have reservations about sth

Take a/the fall for sb

Wrong on so many levels

You reap what you sow

Break the deadlock

Off the pace

Come one's way

Not up for the task

Bowl over

God or heaven forbid

Caught off guard

Raise the bar

A free ride

On borrowed time


A sinking ship

Throw in the towel

Throw in at the deep end

Little to none

Up in the air

Rake sth in

See off

Push you forward

Fade away

All hell breaks loose

Leave sth too late

Rightly so

Jack all

Come at a price

On the back foot

Fall out of love with sth

Keep someone at arm's length

As much, if not more

Take sth into account anything to go by

For good

Flag up

Rack up

Take/claim/seize the moral high ground

Bring/come to light

In connection with


Go it blind

In due course

Be on the level/level with someone

Cart off by a vehicle

On the loose

A long way to go

Have a long road ahead of someone

To beef about/gripe about

Look out for

Days are numbered


Cut from the same cloth

Lost for words

Keep a straight face

History repeats itself

Lighting never strikes twice

Kick the bucket

Under the illusion

Turn your back on someone or something

Out of the corner of your eye

On someone's radar

On/off the radar

Channel one's inner

Take (something) to heart

Con someone out of something

Out of one's depth

Make light of

Hang in the balance


Round / around the clock

From top to bottom

Be under the impression that


Glam (glamorous) (glamor)

Cross one's mind


Lose count of someone or something

Test the water

In (the) light of (something)


Run/take its course

Led one to believe

Lash out at

The green-eyed monster

Sling one's hook

Cover yourself in/with glory

Lead someone on

Pull the plug

A slap in the face

A slap on the wrist

Burst your bubble

Not up to scratch

Win someone over

On tenterhooks

Drop a clanger

Call time on somebody/something

(as) clear as day

Breaking point

Put someone/something through his/her/its paces

Not get a sniff of something

Go (run) deep

Not get a sniff of something

Lose the plot

Put sth down to sth

Steer clear of (someone/something)

Sleep with one eye open

Hold your breath

Hold your horses

Hang by the thinnest of the thread

Break out

Pull the strings

Wrap someone up in cotton wool

Spiral down

Hang by a thread

Stir the pot

To give someone free rein

Have (one's) (own) way

A world away from

To get it out


Weigh up

Get/take (the) 'plak for something

Take (something) to heart

Turn the tide

Tit for tat

A bolt from/out of the blue

Shoot down

To the point

Have what it takes

Sweep to/from power

Foot the bill

You can't have it both ways

Put someone down

Be no mean feat

Rub off on (someone)

Know what it is like to

Hold/Stand your ground


Not right in the head

For good

Settle for smth

Keep you on the edge of your chair/seat

Show someone the ropes.

Phase out

Take sth up


Weigh sth up

Be the spitting image of sb

Bear a resemblance to

Strike resemblance

Ramp sth up

Slanging match

Rake up

In the palm of one's hand

Draw a comparison

Play it cool

Hand in hand

Call time on somebody/something

Gush over someone or something/gush about

Make a big deal out of something

Torn between something and something

Turn away

Spick and span

Take to (something) like a duck to water

Go down like a lead balloon

Tip someone over the edge/brink

One bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel

Tighten the net

Go out of the window




Fruits of one's labor(s)

A downward spiral

Take a turn for the worse

Be dead and buried

Put the cat among the pigeons

From pillar to post

For someone's liking

Take something/someone seriously

For (one's) life

Give your all/put your all

In tow

Put someone in a pigeonhole

Have head screwed on

Have/get your head (screwed) on right/straight


Be off base

On (the) condition that

Crack something up/crack someone up

Take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane


Grind to a halt

Call it quits

Lean on something/someone

Go hand in hand

Go from strength to strength

Live your own life

Walk a tightrope

Pass out

Do sb the world of good

Do (all) the talking

Keep your head up

Out of pocket

Make a drama out of something

Be in for sth

Toy with (someone/something)

Fit a square peg into a round hole

Make hay while the sun shines

Throw caution to the wind/winds

Throw down the gauntlet

Pull an all nighter/all nighters

Leave no stone unturned

Keep (one) one the edge of (one's) seat/s

Stir the pot

Out of one's depth

Words fail me

Burn at the stake

Stand your ground

Put your foot down

Blow someone/something out of water

To pull the wool over someone's eyes

Tar someone with the same brush / be tarred with the same brush

At the end of your tether

Suss out

Give someone a run for his/her money

Go down like a lead balloon

Eat away at

By the grace of God

Go on a rampage

Spit the dummy


On the back burner

Let (one's) hair down

Keep schtum/shtum

Make a drama out of something

A shut mouth catches no flies

Put all your eggs in one basket

Be the best thing since sliced bread

Have heard it all before